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As heat rises, help your cattle get more out of their rumen!

Adding a rumen specific live yeast like LEVUCELL SC is a proven feeding strategy that helps combat the negative effects of impaired rumen function and digestibility during heat stress.

Feed LEVUCELL SC every day to:

  • Improve rumen function and ration fiber digestibility
  • Encourage smaller more consistent meals throughout the day with better rumination activity
  • Overall, improve animal performance and feed efficiency

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Effect of LEVUCELL SC supplementation on dairy cows feed efficiency during heat stress period (P<0.05) (adapted from Perdomo et al., 2020)
Effect of LEVUCELL SC supplementation on average daily milk production (energy corrected milk) during heat stress period (adapted from Perdomo et al., 2020)
Effect of LEVUCELL SC supplementation on Charolais daily weight gain (Total period: 0-102d) (Consortio Agrario del Nordeste, Italy, 2015)